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Experiências que você merece

Qualidade de vida

Explore a possibilidade de experimentar um patamar inigualável de atendimento e qualidade em estabelecimentos gastronômicos de prestígio, centros médicos de excelência e locais de lazer exuberantes - sem precisar confiar nos recursos do serviço público.



Tranquilidade Financeira

A gripping coastal thriller that masterfully combines the serene charm of a coastal setting with an enthralling mystery.



A mind-bending psychological thriller that follows a detective on a race against time to solve a series of cryptic and interconnected mysteries.


Qualidade de vida

A suspenseful noir-inspired thriller where a private investigator delves into a web of conspiracy and intrigue in the dimly lit streets of a mysterious city.

Acelero sua trajetória profissional, guiando através de processos, escolhas e decisões para que você não precise cometer os mesmos erros.



“Patty Moore’s direction is a revelation. She effortlessly navigated the complexities of

Abyss of Deceptions and brought a unique blend of serenity and suspense to life. Her vision and dedication to the thriller genre are truly exceptional."


“Patty Moore is a master of suspense. Her ability to create an atmosphere of mystery and tension is nothing short of remarkable. Collaborating with her on The Midnight Enigma was a thrilling experience, and her directorial skills are second to none.”


“Working with Patty Moore on Cryptic Descent was a spine-tingling journey of creativity. Her keen eye for detail and her commitment to crafting the right aesthetics for a horror-thriller was instrumental in making the film a gripping visual experience. Patty is a director who truly knows how to set the stage for suspense.”

Que sou eu?

Sou um profissional com mais de 23 anos de experiência em tecnologia e gestão, passei por várias empresas de inúmeros segmentos e já entrevistei mais de 500 profissionais para times de engenharia. Com mais de 10 anos como desenvolvedor e 13 anos como líder de times e de verticais de desenvolvimento. Sei exatamente o que passa na cabeça do desenvolvedor.

Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies

Coverton College, New Orleans

Concentration: Film Analysis & Cinematic Storytelling

Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies

CineMystery Institute, Los Angeles

Specialization: Thriller Filmmaking & Cinematic Atmosphere

Honors: Graduated with Distinction for Outstanding Directorial Achievements

Masterclass in Psychological Thriller Filmmaking

Obscura Film Institute, London

Focused on the psychological aspects of storytelling, delving into the art of suspense, subtext, and building tension.

Short Course in Cinematic Sound Design

Whisper Studios, San Francisco

Studied the art of creating immersive soundscapes to enhance the atmospheric quality of thriller films.

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